Join the Elevate 6-Week Transformation Challenge and conquer sedentary lifestyle! This comprehensive program guides you through a journey to enhance how you breathe, move, and feel, promising a holist... Read More
6 Week Challenge
47 On-Demand Videos
6 Week Challenge
Week 0
Launch Party Meet! - Launch Party Recap
Our first community gathering celebrating the launch of the ELVT your life 6 week challenge!
re-watch it, or catch it for the first time if you missed it live!
Where to Start - Intro To Follow-Along Workouts
Welcome to your follow-along workouts! In this video, Coach G gives an overview of how the workouts are structured, how YOU can structure them according to your schedule, and what you will need.
0:00-1:30: What to expect, what you'll need, how to structure your own workouts
1:30-2:58: The Strength Spectrum, how we will navigate the 6 weeks
Where to Start - Intro To KB Fundamentals
Welcome! For this program I recommend using 2 kettlebells. One light, one heavy. For example, I'm using an 8kg KB, and a 16kg KB. Let's get it!
Where to Start - Growth Journal Walkthrough
This video is gonna walk you through the Growth Journal Template, so you can set better goals and stay accountable to yourself.
Feedback (1 Question)
Please answer the following questions to mark this chapter as complete. Your coach will be able to see your answers after submitting.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - Follow Along
Movement List:
- head & neck circles
- shoulder circles
- spinal rotations
- full body roll-downs
- balancing hip circles
Bodyweight Fundamentals - Aligned Stance
Aligned Stance
Bodyweight Fundamentals - Squats
Feet hip distance or wider, toes point forward. Bend knees, and sit hips back and down, maintain a tall upright spine.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - Lunge
Begin kneeling or standing, split stance. 90, 90 bend in both knees if beginning from the ground. Or in a long stance if standing. Keep the front ankle under the front knee, and the back knee under the back hip. Maintain an upright spine throughout the duration of the exercise.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - Hinge
Begin in aligned stance. As the hips draw back, the chest comes forward, counter balancing and moving as one unit. Maintain an aligned spine.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Plank
Hands underneath your shoulders, extend legs back. Push feet into the ground, draw knees in to engage quads. Squeeze glutes, brace core, and push the ground away. Keep shoulders away from ears and press into your fingertips.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Floating Tabletop
Begin on hands and knees. Hands underneath shoulders, Knees under hips (or under belly button) Maintain neutral spine as you lift your knees off the ground. Keep knees close to the floor. Push into every point of contact with the ground.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Downdog
Begin in table top position. Lift knees off the ground, lift hips towards the ceiling and push chest back towards legs. Eye gaze towards feet, shrug shoulders towards ears, wrap ribcage in. Pull bellybutton into spine and brace core. Tailbone extends up, soft bend in knees and keep heels lifted. Push hands and feet into the ground to maintain a strong alignment.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Crab
Begin seated, feet hip distance apart, and heels a comfortable distance away from glutes. Bring your hands behind you, finger point back or outward. Lift chest, and float hips off the ground. Point tailbone towards the floor, squeeze upper back and press shoulders away from your ears.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Squat X Hinge
Alternate between your squat and hinge. Remember, in your hinge, hips stay high, as shoulders go low. In your squat, hips go low, as your shoulders stay high. Keep a soft bend in your knees between every repetition.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Plank Downdog
Alternate between down dog and high plank. Inhale forward to high plank, and exhale back into your down dog. Keep core engaged, and push the floor away the entire time.
Bodyweight Fundamentals - BW Beast X Plank
Alternate between beast and plank position. Maintain stillness throughout shoulders and core as your legs extend back and forth.
Body Scan Reflection - Exercise 1
Wake-Up & Move Follow Along - Prep & Prime (Full Body)
Grab your morning coffee and lets wake up our bodies with Coach G in this follow-along Prep & Prime sequence!
In this 20-min video, Coach G guides us from the ground-up through moving in all 3 planes of our movement sphere, as well as priming our bodies through all setpoints of the Strength Spectrum: Frozen Strength, Fluid Strength and Fire Strength.
0:00-1:11: Intro
1:11-6:43: Ground-Based Mobility (~5 mins)
6:43-13:40: Standing-Based Mobility (~6 mins)
13:40-17:26: Ground-Based Activation (~4 mins)
17:26-20:10: Standing-Based Activation (~3 mins)
Kettlebell Fundamentals - Intro To KB Fundamentals
Welcome! For this program I recommend using 2 kettlebells. One light, one heavy. For example, I'm using an 8kg KB, and a 16kg KB. Let's get it!
Kettlebell Fundamentals - Two Handed Clean
Foundational movements set the tone for the rest of our progressions. We are only as strong as our base.
For this movement, use your light kettlebell. Once you feel strong and confident with this movement, increase weight and/or reps.
Work Set: 3-5 Reps, 3 Rounds.
Kettlebell Fundamentals - Single Hand Clean
The kettlebell clean is an essential movement to progress towards creating more complex flows. Be sure to practice this movement on both sides. If you feel the kettlebell is hitting your arm, or landing heavy, you may be flipping the kettlebell upside-down. Focus on rotating with it, creating a spiral. If you need more help with this movement please reach out to me, I got you!
Kettlebell Fundamentals - Goblet Squat
Full Body Challenge with this one! Begin with a light kettlebell, and increase weight as you build competency. This exercise is a great way to develop abdominal strength, spinal stability and hip mobility!
Kettlebell Fundamentals - High Pull
Double and Single Arm High Pulls. You pull the kettlebell, the kettlebell doesn't pull you! Keep your wrists straight, shoulders away from ears and lift your chest up! Fight to find extension (upright posture) at the top!
Kettlebell Fundamentals - Halo
Mobility and Strength combined! RIP to the pony tail or hairstyles on this one. Keep your body still, as your arms make a circular motion around your head. Keep the shoulders packed down, rib cage closed in, and core is braced!
Kettlebell Fundamentals - Hike Swing
Our swing is a dynamic hinge. Before swinging the kettlebell make sure you have mastered the hinge / deadlift. The hips are the primary driver of this movement and the arms guide the kettlebell into positions.
Feedback (1 Question)
Please answer the following questions to mark this chapter as complete. Your coach will be able to see your answers after submitting.
Follow Along Pomodoro - Follow Along Pomodoro
Join our expert ELVT coaches in this unique productivity session where we combine focused work with movement breaks.
Experience three targeted 20-minute work sprints, each followed by a refreshing movement snack to keep your mind and body energized.
This video is part of our initiative to blend productivity with wellness, helping you maintain peak performance without burnout.
Week 1
Introductions - Intro To Follow-Along Workouts
Welcome to your follow-along workouts! In this video, Coach G gives an overview of how the workouts are structured, how YOU can structure them according to your schedule, and what you will need.
0:00-1:30: What to expect, what you'll need, how to structure your own workouts
1:30-2:58: The Strength Spectrum, how we will navigate the 6 weeks
Workout 1: Pull & Squat - Prep & Prime
Shake off the morning cobwebs and let's prime our bodies with Coach G in this 18 min follow-along warmup sequence!
You can use this as it's own movement session for a block of your day (highly recommend starting this video after the first 10-20 mins of waking up!)
Here we explore some fundamental body positions, movements, and all of the elements from the Strength Spectrum through the 3-Dimensions of movement.
Get after it!
Workout 1: Pull & Squat - Block 1: Pull/Squat 1
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~18 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 4 blocks!
0:00-3:00: Structure of week, Day 1, and Demo (simple variations)
Workout + Explorative Variations
3:00-8:04: Round 1 (~5 mins)
8:04-13:45: Round 2 (~5 mins)
13:45-19:20: Round 3 (~5 mins)
1a) SA KB Row (x10-12 reps each) 60-70% Intensity
1b) KB Goblet Squat (x12 reps) 60-70% Intensity
1c) Plank (x6 hard breaths or :30 sec) 100% Intensity
Workout 1: Pull & Squat - Block 2: Pull/Squat 1
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~18 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 4 blocks!
0:00-1:40: Structure & Demo (simple variations)
Workout + Explorative Variations
1:40-6:58: Round 1 (~6 mins)
6:58-12:08: Round 2 (~6 mins)
12:08-18:23: Round 3 (~6 mins)
2a) KB Halo (x6 reps each side) 50-60% Intensity
2b) KB Split Squat (x10-12 reps each side) 60-70% Intensity
2c) Hollow Hold (x6 hard breaths) 100% Intensity
Grab a bell or a backpack and get after it!
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~18 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 4 blocks!
0:00-1:05: How to KB Clean (without hurting your wrists!)
1:05-2:03: Flow Demo
2:03-6:48: Round 1 (~5 mins)
6:48-11:03: Round 2 (~5 mins)
11:03-15:36: Round 3 (~5 mins)
KB Row > Gunslinger > Clean > Thruster
x4 reps each, then 3, then 2, then 1
As soon as you reach 1 rep each, complete 4 "chain-reps" of 1 to complete the set.
Workout 1: Pull & Squat - Cooldown
It’s always best to guide your body into a resting state after a time of stress.
Enjoy this full-body cooldown after your workout or after a full day at work!
Workout 2: Push & Hinge - Prep & Prime (Full Body)
Shake off the morning cobwebs and let's prime our bodies with Coach G in this 18 min follow-along warmup sequence!
You can use this as it's own movement session for a block of your day (highly recommend starting this video after the first 10-20 mins of waking up!)
Here we explore some fundamental body positions, movements, and all of the elements from the Strength Spectrum through the 3-Dimensions of movement.
Get after it!
Workout 2: Push & Hinge - Block 1: Push/Hinge 1
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~20 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 4 blocks!
0:00-2:00: Structure & Demo (simple variations)
2:00-4:42: Extra Mobility Movement (with a KB)
Workout + Explorative Variations
4:42-9:41: Round 1 (~5 mins)
9:41-15:40: Round 2 (~6 mins)
15:40-22:20: Round 3 (~6 mins)
1a) Hollow Hold + KB Press (x10-12 reps each side) 50-60% Intensity
1b) Alt. Coiled Pushups (x10-12 reps total) 60-70% Intensity
1c) KB RDL (x10-12 reps) 60-70% Intensity
Grab a bell or a backpack and get after it!
Workout 2: Push & Hinge - Block 2: Push/Hinge 1
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~18 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 4 blocks!
0:00-2:35: Structure & Demo (simple variations)
Workout + Explorative Variations
2:35-7:30: Round 1 (~5 mins)
7:30-13:15: Round 2 (~5 mins)
13:15-18:40: Round 3 (~5 mins)
2a) KB SL RDL (x10 reps each side) 60-70% Intensity
2b) KB Globe Press (x5-5-5 reps each side) 60-70% Intensity
2c) Coiled Scissor Kicks (x6 hard breaths) 100% Intensity
Grab a bell or a backpack and get after it!
Workout 2: Push & Hinge - Block 3: Push/Hinge 1
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~4 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~15 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 4 blocks!
0:00-3:00: KB Swing Demo, Flow-Chain Demo
3:00-6:57: Round 1 (~4 mins)
6:57-11:03: Round 2 (~4 mins)
11:03-14:31: Round 3 (w/ backpack) (~4 mins)
a) KB DL > KB Swing > KB High-Pull (4,3,2,1-1-1-1)
b) Alt. Coiled Pushups (x10 total)
3 rounds b2b
Grab a bell or a back pack and lets get after it!
Workout 2: Push & Hinge - Block 4: Push/Hinge 1
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~15 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds!
0:00-2:04: Structure & Demo
Workout + Explorative Variations
2:04-6:15: Round 1 (~4 mins)
6:15-10:30: Round 2 (~4 mins)
10:30-15:40: Round 3 (~5 mins)
4a) KB SA DL > KB SA Swing > KB SA High-Pull Swing (x6 chain reps on each side)
4b) KB Globe Press (x6/x6)
Grab a bell or a backpack and get after it!
Workout 2: Push & Hinge - Cooldown Flow: Push/Hinge 1
Week 2
Week 2: Pull/Squat 2 - Prep & Prime (Full Body)
Week 2: Pull/Squat 2 - Block 1: Pull/Squat 2
Lack of time? -> Choose to do 1 round (~5 mins)
Got more than 10-15 mins? -> Choose to do all 3 rounds! (~20 mins)
Got a whole hour? -> Choose to do all 3 blocks!
0:00-2:15: Structure & Demo (Simple Variations)
Workout + Explorative Variations
2:15-7:55: Round 1 (~5 mins)
7:55-13:35: Round 2 (~5 mins)
13:35-19:35: Round 3 (~6 mins)
1a) Lateral Lunge Iso to KB Row (x10/x10) 60%-70% Intensity
1b) Alt. 2H Goblet Clean to Lateral Lunge (x10/x10) 50%-60% Intensity
1c) Plank (+Back Steps?) (x6 breaths to 10/10 steps)
Grab a bell or a backpack and get after it!
Week 2: Pull/Squat 2 - Block 2: Pull/Squat 2
Week 2: Pull/Squat 2 - Block 3: Pull/Squat 2
Week 2: Pull/Squat 2 - Cooldown
It’s always best to guide your body into a resting state after a time of stress.
Enjoy this full-body cooldown after your workout or after a full day at work!
community | movement | mindset
- 6 week community challenge
- monthly events
- weekly classes & meetups
- online community & resources
- exclusive discounts
Meet Team ELVT!
- AJ Londono
movement specialist | speaker | coach
- Georgie Boynton
movement specialist | coach
- Gabriel Echevarria
movement specialist | coach
- Angelino
Facilitator | Journaling Guide
- Milton AI
Nutrition Specialist | Coach
Who's This For
This 6-week challenge is designed for anyone looking to break free from a sedentary lifestyle and embrace a healthier, more active life. It's perfect for those who might feel overwhelmed by where to start or how to maintain new habits, offering a structured yet adaptable path to wellness. Whether you're a busy professional, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone in between, feeling stuck in the daily grind, this program provides the tools, community, and guidance to help you foster lasting changes in habits, nutrition, and emotional well-being. If you're ready to elevate your routine into one that's vibrant, balanced, and fulfilling, this challenge is tailored for you!