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White Belt
Welcome to the ELVT Movement Rope Flow Academy Series: White Belt. In this journey we will be taking the ever-versatile Rope and harnessing its incredible benefits. With this tool we will learn the... Read More
White Belt

White Belt

41 On-Demand Videos
33 Attached Files

White Belt

Rope Flow Academy: White Belt Intro
Introduction - Rope Flow Academy: White Belt Intro
Like you, I am a student of this incredible system. Skipping rope was a skill I acquired and learned the benefits of early in my athletic career in a Mixed Martial Arts gym. The foot patterns and coordination lessons immediately drew my attention; fast forward to 2019 and watching David Weck on YouTube, I couldn’t order the RMT Rope by Weckmethod fast enough, I was eager to learn the foundational patterns. The rope has been my teacher ever since. The ELVT Rope Flow Academy is a systematized and pragmatic take on how to use the rope tool to optimize your movement. White Belt starts with the Foundations of Rope Flow and RMT, and uses those foundations to dig deeper into your energy management. Blue Belt takes your journey to the next level, followed by Purple, Brown, and then finally to Black Belt. The journey and lessons are profound. Welcome and Enjoy!
Picking a Rope / Tying Knots
Rope Choice / Length - Picking a Rope / Tying Knots
Ropes will vary in length, thickness, material, and handle style. Choosing a rope to start will come down to preference, and having the ability to try one out before purchasing if possible is always recommended. As rope flow continues to grow, expand, and develop, there will be a further distinguishing of rope styles for different intentions behind practice. For example, a tighter woven material for a rope will reduce drag and cut through the air faster than a slower, thicker rope with a looser weave which will have a higher drag coefficient (All that means is it will feel heavier and slower through the air). As you embark on your journey and improve on your rope flow practice, you will want to explore and experiment with different setups (Thickness, Material, Length, Handle Style, & hand holds). Like your rope choice, adding knots to your flow tool will come down to preference. Adding knots shortens the rope, which increases rotational speed. In most cases a longer rope will have a smaller learning curve because of this reason (longer rope means more feedback, longer wavelength, and slower rotation). As you embark on your journey and improve on your rope flow practice, you will want to explore and experiment with different setups. The three most use lengths are about armpit height, sternum height, and belly button height when standing on the center of the rope. (matching knots on either side, offset, double knots, and no-knots are some modes to try)
ELVT Prime & Prep | Rope Flow
Prime & Prep - ELVT Prime & Prep | Rope Flow
The Rope can be used for so much more than flow. One of its many functions is as a tension strap you can hold to engage muscles during your prime and prep. Follow along as we show you some of our favorites including Shoulder Dislocates, Rope assisted squats, Single leg balance challenge, Full-body roll-downs, and Rotational Lunge & Reach. As you become more familiar with the rope and your own practice, you’ll think of new and interesting ways to use this ever evolving piece of kit
The Cardinal Directions | Rope Flow
Cardinal Directions - The Cardinal Directions | Rope Flow
The Cardinal Directions are your means of navigation while moving with an ELVT’d awareness, and Martial intent. With eyes, energy, and intention moving forward, North becomes your target. The body may flow, spin, jump and change levels, but the intention is always in focus As you become more proficient, you’ll be able to synchronize the patterns of the upper body, lower body, and rope. The upper body spirals to relate to the lower body, and the hands spiral, synchronizing the rhythms of all three wavelengths. Once we achieve this, we can play and mix levels, weight distributions, and directionality to create novel flows each time we move. A big indicator of proficiency is moving without disturbing any of these wavelengths.
Race & Chase | Rope Flow
Foundational Patterns - Race & Chase | Rope Flow
The Foundational Patterns: Race & Chase Stacking one hand over the other with pinky and thumb sides touching, create a figure-8 motion leading with the hand. Turn the hands over as you spiral from side to side (pronation & supination). Once you are familiar with this pattern, you’ll want to separate the hands and start to create a larger figure-8 shape. It is called race and chase because the dominant hand is leading the ‘race’ as the non-dominant hand is ‘chasing’ and following. The goal is for the loop on either side of the body to point north, whether it’s overhand or underhand. Since one side is dominant in this movement, be sure to train both sides evenly!
Matador's Wheel | Rope Flow
Foundational Patterns - Matador's Wheel | Rope Flow
The Foundational Patterns: Matador's Wheel Two loops on either side of the body, cross and open. This alternating pattern targets the pathways we use when we sprint, jump, swing, and throw! With hands facing each other on one side of the body, make a loop with the hands then cross the body with either a throw pattern, or swing (Underhand or Overhand). Repeat the loop on the other side, which switches which hand is dominant, and repeat the swing or throw on the other side (Underhand or Overhand).
Dragon Roll | Rope Flow
Foundational Patterns - Dragon Roll | Rope Flow
The Foundational Patterns: Dragon Roll This is a side-to-side movement with the rope where we Drag-and-Roll the rope behind us, and repeat Drag-and-Roll the rope in front. This is done with the whole body spiraling side to side, without the arms ever crossing the midline. When the rope is behind the body the palms are facing up and the body is in extension, where as when the rope is in front of the body the palms are facing down and the body is in flexion.
The Sneak | Rope Flow
Foundational Patterns - The Sneak | Rope Flow
The Foundational Patterns: The Sneak Of the four foundational patterns, the sneak earns its name by being the most challenging and intricate to learn. The key is getting used to having an arm wrapped behind the body with palm facing up. We start in this position, with a staggered stance and coiled body. From there, you unwrap the arm by flicking the rope overhand or underhand, cross to the other side, and repeat the wrapped arm. More details will be given in the video. You can also refer to David Weck’s Breakdown of the Sneak here! details will be given in the video.
Weaponize - Weaponize
Race & Chase, Matador’s Wheel, Dragon Roll and the Sneak are the basic letters of the alphabet that creates the beautiful language of Rope Flow. Once we intuit the foundation, an incredible world of possibilities emerges. With an endless amount of variation, combinations, entries and exits, rope flow is only limited by the imagination of the Flowist. This course empowers you with the foundation, and prepares you for the exploration of all these possibilities! The weaponize portion of the White Belt course revisits the foundational patterns allowing us to dig deeper. The awareness of weight distribution, the shifting of weight, and changing levels with the guidance of the rope; that is what ELVT Rope Flow Academy encompasses using the figure-8 motion to teach us how to move, and when.
Underhand Race & Chase Step
Movement Index - Underhand Race & Chase Step
Underhand Race & Chase Step Begin your underhand race & chase pattern either in left or right side standing in a square stance (train both sides!) As you begin to swing the dominant arm across the midline, step forward with the opposite foot, landing in a coiled lunge position mindfully. Step back into a square stance and repeat the stepping swing. This pattern can be done repeating, or alternating sides.
Underhand Race & Chase Weight Shift
Movement Index - Underhand Race & Chase Weight Shift
Underhand Race & Chase Weight Shift Begin your underhand race & chase pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side (train both sides!) Begin R&C pattern with opposite foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the back foot. As you begin to swing the dominant arm across the midline, shift bodyweight forward to front leg in a coiled lunge position. Return weight to back foot as the rope travels back to the starting position.
Underhand Matador's Wheel Weight Shift
Movement Index - Underhand Matador's Wheel Weight Shift
Underhand Matador Weight Shift Begin your underhand Matador’s Wheel pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side (train both sides!) Begin MW pattern with opposite foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the back foot. As you begin to swing the dominant arm across the midline, shift bodyweight forward to front leg in a coiled lunge position. Return weight to back foot as the rope travels back to the starting position.
Underhand Matador's Wheel Step
Movement Index - Underhand Matador's Wheel Step
Underhand Matador Step Begin your underhand Matador’s Wheel pattern either in left or right side standing in a staggered stance. As you begin to swing the dominant arm across the midline, step forward with the opposite foot, landing in a coiled lunge position mindfully. Now you are on the other side, prepped to repeat the pattern with the other side leading the pattern. Step and repeat the stepping swing.
Underhand Matador's Wheel Stance Switch
Movement Index - Underhand Matador's Wheel Stance Switch
Underhand Matador Staggered Stance Switch Begin your underhand Matador’s Wheel pattern either in left or right side standing in a staggered stance. As you begin to swing the dominant arm across the midline, hop switch stances landing in a coiled lunge position mindfully. Now you are on the other side, prepped to repeat the pattern. Hop and switch simultaneously with the swing.
Overhand Matador's Wheel Weight Shift
Movement Index - Overhand Matador's Wheel Weight Shift
Overhand Matador Weight Shift Begin your overhand Matador’s Wheel pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side (train both sides!) Begin MW pattern with opposite foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the back foot. As you begin to throw the dominant arm across the midline, shift bodyweight forward to front leg in a coiled lunge position. Return weight to back foot as the rope travels back to the starting position.
Overhand Race & Chase Weight Shift
Movement Index - Overhand Race & Chase Weight Shift
Overhand Race & Chase Weight Shift Begin your overhand race & chase pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side (train both sides!) Begin R&C pattern with opposite foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the back foot. As you begin to throw the dominant arm across the midline, shift bodyweight forward to front leg in a coiled lunge position. Return weight to back foot as the rope travels back to the starting position.
Overhand Race & Chase Step
Movement Index - Overhand Race & Chase Step
Overhand Race & Chase Step Begin your overhand race & chase pattern either in left or right side standing in a square stance (train both sides!) As you begin to throw the dominant arm across the midline, step forward with the opposite foot, landing in a coiled lunge position mindfully. Step back into a square stance and repeat the stepping swing. This pattern can be done repeating, or alternating sides.
Overhand Matador's Wheel Step
Movement Index - Overhand Matador's Wheel Step
Overhand Matador Step Begin your overhand Matador’s Wheel pattern either in left or right side standing in a staggered stance. As you begin to throw the dominant arm across the midline, step forward with the opposite foot, landing in a coiled lunge position mindfully. Now you are on the other side, prepped to repeat the pattern with the other side leading the pattern. Step and repeat the stepping swing.
Overhand Matador's Wheel Stance Switch
Movement Index - Overhand Matador's Wheel Stance Switch
Overhand Matador's Wheel Stance Switch Begin your overhand Matador’s Wheel pattern either in left or right side standing in a staggered stance. As you begin to throw the dominant arm across the midline, hop switch stances landing in a coiled lunge position mindfully. Now you are on the other side, prepped to repeat the pattern with the other side leading the pattern. Hop and switch simultaneously with the throw
Front Side Dragon Roll Step
Movement Index - Front Side Dragon Roll Step
Front Side Dragon Roll Step Begin your Dragon Roll pattern either in left or right side direction. As the rope flows in front of the body, step the back foot forward, facing the opposite direction, and executing a Dragon Roll the other way. The rope rolls towards the north throughout the pattern.
Backside Dragon Roll Step
Movement Index - Backside Dragon Roll Step
Back Side Dragon Roll Step Begin your Dragon Roll pattern either in left or right side direction. As the rope flows behind the body, step the front foot behind, facing the opposite direction, and executing a Dragon Roll the other way. The rope rolls towards the north throughout the pattern.
Jumping Dragon Roll
Movement Index - Jumping Dragon Roll
Front Side / Backside Jumping Dragon Roll The jumping Dragon Roll is executed like the Front and Back side step, but hop-switching instead. If you begin facing east with the body, you will hop facing west and vice-versa. Remember, the rope is rolling toward the north throughout the pattern.
Dragon Roll Variations
Movement Index - Dragon Roll Variations
Dragon Roll Variations The Dragon Roll is a beautiful movement that has a few variations. Once you have the basic left and right sides down, try out the high hand variation, and the Dragon Roll Hug (cross-body).
Forward and Reverse Traveling Patterns
Movement Index - Forward and Reverse Traveling Patterns
Forward / Reverse Traveling Foundational Patterns Practice forward and reverse traveling with your foundational patterns as you become more and more proficient with them. Remember to try to move with the energy of the rope, and keep the rope rolling north as a sign of your awareness to both the energy of your body and the energy of the rope. This will be an imperative skill when reaching the Blue Belt series.
Overhand Sneak Weight Shift
Movement Index - Overhand Sneak Weight Shift
Overhand Sneak Weight Shift Begin your Overhand Sneak pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side (train both sides!) Begin OS pattern with same side foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the back foot. As you begin to sneak an arm behind the body, shift your weight to your front foot as the upper body rotates to face the frontal plane. Quickly return weight distribution to the back foot as you reset for the next rep in a coiled position.
Overhand Sneak Step
Movement Index - Overhand Sneak Step
Overhand Sneak Step Begin your Overhand Sneak pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side. Begin OS pattern with same side foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the front foot. As you begin to unravel the arm from behind the body, step forward with the back foot as you Sneak on the other side. Back heel is lifted, forward intention throughout.
Overhand Sneak Stance Switch
Movement Index - Overhand Sneak Stance Switch
Overhand Sneak Stance Switch Begin your Overhand Sneak pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side. Begin OS pattern with same side foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the front foot. As you begin to sneak an arm behind the body, hop switch stances as the body begins to face the frontal plane. The body is now prepped to repeat the pattern on the other side. Jump as the Rope touches by your front footing.
Underhand Sneak Weight Shift
Movement Index - Underhand Sneak Weight Shift
Underhand Sneak Shift Begin your Underhand Sneak pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side (train both sides!) Begin US pattern with same side foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the back foot. As you begin to sneak an arm behind the body, shift your weight to your front foot as the upper body rotates for the sneak. Quickly return weight distribution to the back foot as you reset for the next rep in a coiled position.
Underhand Sneak Step
Movement Index - Underhand Sneak Step
Underhand Sneak Step Begin your Underhand Sneak pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side. Begin US pattern with same side foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the front foot. As you swing rope by the back foot (and body is rotating toward the frontal plane), step forward with the back foot as you prepare to Sneak on the other side. Back heel is lifted, forward intention throughout.
Underhand Stance Switch
Movement Index - Underhand Stance Switch
Underhand Sneak Stance Switch Begin your Underhand Sneak pattern in a staggered stance either in left or right side. Begin US pattern with same side foot of rope side stepped forward, and weight shifted toward the front foot. As you swing rope by the back foot (and body is rotating toward the frontal plane), Hop switch Stances as you prepare to Sneak on the other side. Back heel is lifted, forward intention throughout.
The White Belt Flowist
Summary - The White Belt Flowist
Summary & Earning Your White Belt Congratulations on completing the White Belt course from ELVT Rope Flow Academy! I truly hope you’ve gotten as much out of the beginning of this journey as I have with my own personal practice. Take some time to truly integrate this information (30 days recommended minimum), and when you’re ready to claim your white belt achievement know that there are two paths you can take. The first will be emailing us a video showing your proficiency of: the four fundamental patterns, awareness of your northwardly intent, and ability to weaponize the fundamental movements. The second option is attending one of our Live events, where you can test out and graduate to the next phase! Don’t rush the process! The journey is the most magical piece of all. Practice leads to progress, which leads to proficiency! This is merely the beginning of a lifelong journey to mastery! Welcome to the Rope Flow Family
Preview to Blue Belt Series
Preview - Preview to Blue Belt Series
Preview to Blue Belt Series As we level up to the next phase, the Blue Belt series, we add circumnavigation to the mix! We take our new found awareness of the rope and our body and use it to find new rhythms and patterns that increase your athletic efficiencies! Swing, throw, jump and run with more power output and less net-effort! This is the true benefit of Rope Flow to any movement artist.
On Excellence & your White Belt journey | Rope Flow Lesson 001
RFA lesson 1 - On Excellence & your White Belt journey | Rope Flow Lesson 001
Lesson 001 on excellence and your white belt journey.
Rope Flow | Lesson 002- Patterning Techniques
RFA lesson 2 - Rope Flow | Lesson 002- Patterning Techniques
Different Patterning techniques can be helpful at different times! follow coach AJ as he goes over the various styles of patterns one can focus one while learning a new sequence! drop a review if the lesson resonated with you!
Rope Flow | Lesson 003 Stance
RFA lesson 3 - Rope Flow | Lesson 003 Stance
Stance is important in ALL aspects of life! in this lesson we explore the importance and nuances of stance with rope flow!
Rope Flow Live at Body Therapeutic Architecture
Rope Flow LIVE FL - Rope Flow Live at Body Therapeutic Architecture
Rope Flow Live in BOCA RATON Florida. Join AJ and Georgie for an all levels introduction into the world of Rope Flow, and how to learn new things with the ELVT Movement system. This live 2 hour experience was shot July 16th, 2022 and was edited for Humans all over the world to follow along! This Video (along with the rest of the system) is all available through the White Belt Program! Thank you Danni Lewis, Owner of Body Therapeutic Architecture for hosting us, Logan for helping with video, and all of the attendees! we appreciate you all for being part of the ELVT Family!
Rope Flow - Beginner Follow Along with AJ & Georgie
Follow Along - Rope Flow - Beginner Follow Along with AJ & Georgie
Grab your rope and follow along with coaches Aj and Georgie as they guide you through an abridged version of their Rope Flow Live event! ELVT Movement will be sharing their experiences across the United States, and internationally! Elevate how you breathe move and feel in a fun and engaging way!
Rope Flow | Lesson 004 Steering
RFA lesson 4 - Rope Flow | Lesson 004 Steering
a Rope Flow Lesson from the Jungle! Follow along this quick tutorial we shot during the Adventure Retreat in Samana, Dominican Republic! More coming soon for all my White Belt Students! I hope you and your practice are doing great.
Rope Flow | Lesson 005 Rope Directionality
RFA lesson 5 - Rope Flow | Lesson 005 Rope Directionality
Lesson 005 from the Jungle! Having a reference point underneath you is a great way to reinforce the directionality of the Rope as you learn the fundamental patterns of rope flow. This is a great way for the body and mind to download what's going on, and synchronize the energy of the rope and body. give this a try and let me know how it goes!
Rope Flow | Lesson 006 Morning Routine
RFA Lesson 6 - Rope Flow | Lesson 006 Morning Routine
Austin 2023 Recap - ELVT RFA
RFA had a historic week in Austin Texas for the first inaugural coach course! 20 Humans from all walks of life and parts of the earth came together and found flow. Join AJ as he recaps this historic moment, as well as covers again the process of going through the journey of both White Belt and Blue Belt

Meet Your Coach

elevate how you breathe | move | feel
community | movement | mindset - monthly events - weekly classes & meetups - online community & resources - exclusive discounts Home of: - ELVT Rope Flow Academy white belt, blue belt, & shadow roping - Master Coach AJ Londono movement specialist | speaker | coach - Master Coach Georgie Boynton movement specialist | coach

Who's This For

This Program is for those who want to learn the basics and improve their own personal practice, as well as the Movement Professionals who want the proper tools, resources, and frameworks to successfully share this practice with others!


Rope Flow


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