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Check out the Top 10 Training Sessions from our Prep classes for Dynamic Sport Performance Certified Coaches this Fall!


10 On-Demand Videos


Explosive Strength
6/2 Training Session - Explosive Strength
In this 60 minute Explosive Strength session we introduce our Coaches to advanced progressions to some of our favorite exercises. A jump rope, resistance bands and sets of Kettlebells are needed.
Explosive Strength
6/9 Training Session - Explosive Strength
DSPCC Prep Program 6/9 Activation 1. TGU + SL OH Hold + Drop + Exchange + Row x 1 R/L 2. Goblet March x 10 sec + Prying Squat x 30 seconds (elevate heels for 10 sec) 3. Lunge Marrix w/ ISO Hold (Train deceleration) 4. 1 Arm Swing x 3 r/l 5. 1 Arm Hi Pull x 3 r/l 6. 1 Arm Snatxh x 3 r/l (train the drop) 7. 1 Arm Swing + Hi Pull + Snatch x 1 r/l Dynamic Warmup 1. Side Skips w/ Ovwrhead Swings x 10 seconds 2. Bent Over Shuffle w/ Arm Swings x 10 seconds each way 3. Side Shuffle x 10 seconds 4. 45 Degree Single Leg Bounding x 10 sec 5. Pogos + A Skip + A Run 6. Pogos + Alt. C Skip + A Run 7. Pogos + A Skip w/ Exchange + A Run Explosive 1. Dead Clean + Hang Snatch + Jerk 2. Tuck Jump x 1 r/l 3. Power Jerk + HHSJ + LHSX x 1 r/l 4. Tuck Jump x 2 5. HHC + Split Jerk + LHSX x 1 r/l 6. Tuck Jump x 3 Power 1. 2 KB Swings x 3 2. Continuous Broad Jump x 3 3. MB Sprinter Starts x 3 r/l Strength 1. 2 KB Clean and Press x 5 2. Goblet Squat x ( ( Marty G Style) 3. RKC Snatch x 5 r/l Perform 3 reps on the 2nd set and and 2 reps on the 3rd set
Explosive Strength
6/30 Training Session - Explosive Strength
Activation 1. Loaded Carry Matrix a) Suitcase/Toes b) Racked/ Heels c) OH/ Outsides of feet d) BUC/ Insides 2. Shoulder Rotations 3. Active Straight Leg Raise 4. Hip Extension 5. Bridge 6. Abduction ISO 7. Arm Bar 8. TGU to Bridge Explosive 1. Loaded Goblet Squat Jump x 1 2. Prisoner Squat Jump x 1 3. Dead Snatch x 1 R/L 4. Vertical Jump x 1 5. Dead Stop Swing x 1 6. Broad Jump x 1 Go thru the circuit 2x Power 1. 2 KB Clean Deadlift Practice x 2 - 3 a) Reactive Drop (Dead, Low Hang, Hi Hang) 2. Continuous Swing x 3 3. 2 KB Dead Squat Clean x 3 (Dead, LH,HH) 4. 1 Arm Swing x 3 R/L 5. 2 KB Jerk ISO Holds x 3 6. 1 Arm Swing x 3 R/L 7. RKC Clean and Power Jerk x 3 (reclean) 8. 1 Arm Swing x 3 R/L 9. Split Jerk x 3 each way Finisher 1. Sport Split Squat ISO Holds x 7 sec R/L 2. Jump Lunges x 10 seconds 3. Single Leg Excange + Slam x 1 R/L 4. Pogos + A - Skip + A - Run 1. Push-up ISO x 7 seconds 2. RDL to Pogo Hops 3. Reactive Push-up x 1 4. Pogos + A Skip w/ Exchange + A - Run Cool Down 1. Arm Bars x 1 minute R/L
Explosive Strength
7/14 Training Session - Explosive Strength
Explosive Strength
8/11 Training Session - Explosive Strength
DSP PREP PROGRAM 7/11 Activation 1. Bottoms Up Screwdrivers 2. DSP # 1 Hip Matrix 3. 1/2 Kneeling Halo Matrix x 2 r/l 4. Quadruped Matrix 5. Prying Goblet Squat x 30 seconds Dynamic Warmup 1. TGU to Elbow x 3 r/l 2. Pogo Matrix (bilateral) x 7 seconds each 3. Goblet Squat x 3 (3 sec ecc -+ pause) 4. 2 Hand Swing 5. Quadruped Wall Ball x 20 seconds 6. TGU to Bridge x 2 r/l 7. Single Leg Pogo Matrix 8. Goblet Loaded Squat Jump + Reactive Squat x 2 - 3 9. 1 Arm Swing Ladeer x 1 (light, medium heavy - r,l,r,l,r,l 10. Wall Ball x 20 seconds Explosive 1. Dead Snatch Jerk 2. Lo Hang Snatch Jerk 3. Hi Hang Snatch Jerk 4. Med Ball Exchange 1. 2 KB Dead Clean 2. Lo Hang Squat Clean 3. Hi Hang Squat Clean 4. Med Ball Exchange + Slam 5. Med Ball Hurdle Hop + Exchange + Slam Power 1. 2 KB Jerk + Reactive Squat x 1 every 10 seconds (6 reps total) KB Skill Acquisition Complex 1. 2 KB Bottoms Up Clean x 1 2. 2 KB Snatch x 1 3. 2 KB Hi Hang Squat Clean x 1 4. 2 KB Split Jerk x 1 r/l Put into a complex for 2 sets Strength Endurance Finisher 2 Hand Swing x 5 + Hi Pull + Catch 2 Hand Swing x 4 + Hi Pull + Catch Ladder this down to 1 without putting the KB down
Explosive Strength
8/25 Training Session - Explosive Strength
Activation 1. Sport Stance Deadlift 2. SS Hang Clean 3. SS Snatch 4. SS Strict Press 5. SS Push Press 6. SS Jerk Perform as a Ladder R/L Dynamic Warmup 1. Dynamic Warmup (10 minute ) 2. Around the Body Pass x 30 sec r/l 3. Alternating Single Leg Halo x 30 seconds r/l 4. Prying Goblet Squat x 30 seconds 5. Hand to Hand Swing x 1:00 minute 6. Clean + Press + Reverse Lunge + Single Leg Hold x 5 (3 reps) 7. Clean + Press + Reverse Lunge + Single Leg Hold x 5 (3 reps) 8. Snatch x 5 R (2 second hold up top) x 30 sec 9. Snatch x 5 L (2 second hold up top) 10. Reverse TGU to Standing + Overhead Marching x 10 seconds (transfer) 11. Reverse TGU to Standing + Overhead Marching x 10 Explosive 1. Dowel Rod Hip Hinge ISO x 10 seconds 2. 1 KB Seed DL + RDL ISO x 10 seconds 3. 2. Hand Swing x 3 (Heavy) Repeat 2x 1. Dowel Rod OH Split Stance ISO x 7 seconds 2. Racked Split Squat ISO x 7 seconds R/L 3. Split Squat Thruster x 3 R/L 4. 2 Hand Swing x 3 (Heavy) Go thru 1x 1. Dowel Rod Single Leg ISO x 10 seconds R/L 2. Single Leg DL + ISO + Drop + Clean x 2 3. 2 Hand Swing x 3 (Heavy) Power and Strength 1. 1 KB Speed DL + Lo Hang + Hi Hang + Clean + Snatch x 1 R/L 2. 2 KB Strict Press x 1 (hold in rack, overhead and 1/2 position for 10 count, use light KB’s) 3. Speed DL + Hi Hang Snatch Jerk + Lo Hang Squat Clean + Dead Split Snatch x 1 4. 2 KB Strict Press x 1 (heavy) 5. Dead Split Clean + Hi Hang Split Snatch + Split Jerk x 1 R/L 6. 2 KB Strict Press x 1 (heaviest) 7. Split Cycle Jumps x 1 R/L 8. 2 KB Sport Split Squat ISO x 7 sec R/L 9. Split Cycle Jumps x 1 R/L 10. 1 Arm Dead Stop Swing x 1 R/L 11. Pogos + A Skip w/ Exchange + A Run 12. 1 Arm Snatch 3 x 1 R/L (medium, heavy, heaviest) Cooldown 1. 1 Arm OH March + Rack + BU X 10 R/L seconds each way (use light kb)
Explosive Strength
9/17 Training Session - Explosive Strength
DSPCC PREP PROGRAM 9/17 Activation 1. Loaded KB Carry Matrix 2. 3 Way Wall Reach 3. Leg Swings x 10 seconds each way 4. Prying Goblet Squat x 30 seconds 5. Bird Dog w/ Dowel Rod x 5 r/l 6. Alternating Lateral Lunge w/ Drag x 5 r/l 7. 1 KB Squat + Jerk + Windmill r/ l + Hand to Hand Swing x 10 seconds (5 sets each way) Explosive Set #1 1. Single Leg Hurdle Hop + Land x 3 r/l 2. 2 KB Bottoms Up Clean and March x 10 sec 3. 1/2 Kneeling Med Ball Rotational Slam x 7 seconds * Repeat 2 - 3x Set # 2 1. 1 Arm Swing x 3 + 3 (use transfer) 2. Push Up ISO w/ Dowel Rod x 3 (5 seconds) 3. Side to Side Knee Tuck Jumps x 7 seconds * Repeat 2 - 3x Swing Snatch Practice Set # 3 1. Eccentric Piatols x 2-3 (alternate legs) 2. 2 KB Push Press x 3 3. Pogos + A Skip w/ Exchange -+ A Run Go thru 2 - 3x Strength Endurance 1. DSPCC 9 KB Skill Acquisition Complex (perform in reverse order) a) Split Jerk b) Power Jerk c) Jerk d) Hang Snatch Jerk e) Lo Hang Snatch f) Dead Snatch g) Hi Hang Squat Clean h) Lo Hang Squat Clean I) Dead Hang Squat Clean
Explosive Strength
9/23 Training Session - Explosive Strength
DSPCC PREP PROGRAM | EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH 9/23 Activation 1. Around the Body Pass 2. Alternating Single Leg Halo 3. Prying Goblet Squat 4. Hand to Hand Swing 5. Rack ISO Heel Raise + March 6. OH ISO Heel Raise + March 7. BUC ISO Heel Raise + March 8. Strict Press + Push Press + Jerk + Windmill 9. Reverse TGU Dynamic Warmup 1. 2 Foot Pogo Matrix (vertical, lateral, front to back) 2. 1 Foot Pogo Matrix (vertical, lateral, front to back) 3. 1 Foot Pogo Hop x 5 sec + Tuck Jump x 4 4. Pogos + A Skip Exchange + High Knee Run Explosive Strength Work Set#1 1. 2 Hand KB Swing x 5 (2 sets) 2. 45 Degree 1/2 Kneeling Clean + Press 3. 2 KB Split Squat ISO x 7 sec + Split Cycle Jumps Repeat 2 - 3x Set #2 1. 2 KB SL Deadlift x 3 2. 3 Position Squat Cleans 3. Triple Hurdle Jump Repeat 2 - 3x Set#3 1. 2 KB Clean and Press x 5 2. Plank Row ISO 3. 3 Position Hang Snatch Jerk
Explosive Strength
9/23 Training Session - Explosive Strength
Explosive Strength
10/13 Training Session - Explosive Strength
DSPCC PREP PROGRAM | EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH 10/13 Activation 1. ASLR + Foot & Shoulder Rotations 2. Arm Bar 3. TGU to Adductor Rocking 4. OH Lockout w/ Rotations 5. SS Ipsilateral Press 6. Windmill 7. Hand to Hand Swings 8. Windmill 9. SS Ipsilateral Press 10. OH Lockout w/ Rotations 11. TGU to Adductor Rocking 12. Arm Bar 13. ASLR + Foot & Shoulder Rotations * perform in circuit format without putting down the kettlebell Explosive 1. SL Med Ball Hop Matrix (land, bound, continuous) 2. 2 KB Dead Snatch + Overhead March 3. Pogos + A Skip w/ exchange + High Knee * repeat 2 - 3x Power 1. 2 KB Swing x 3 2. 1 KB Ipsilateral MP,PP, Jerk 3. Side to Side Knee Tuck Jumps Strength #1 1. 2 KB SL DL Matrix 2. 2 KB Hi Hang Squat Clean + Long Press 3. Pushup + Naked Row Strength #2 1. 1 KB Racked Linge Matrix 2. 1 KB Hand Snatch Jerk + Jerk 3. SL Pogo Matrix

Meet Your Coach

Coach Darius
Coach Darius
Coach Darius' Performance Training
Master R.K.C. Darius Gilbert is a nationally known strength trainer who works with young athletes to help them achieve maximum athleticism, health, and peak-performance within their chosen sport. Darius believes that age-appropriate, load-bearing protocols centered around the use of the kettlebell is an antidote to sedentary modern culture. In 2012 he founded Dynamic Sport Performance, located in Old Town Alexandria, because he loves to take high-level information and place it into an easy to understand message that helps young people feel great, move well, and achieve their dreams.  As a young athlete growing up in Alexandria, Virginia, Darius was a top performer and still holds the records as the all-time scoring leader in basketball and football at Episcopal High School where he was inducted into the hall of fame. He later went on to play football at The University of Virginia. Darius regularly leads workshops attended by doctors, physical therapists, trainers, and coaches from across the country. He collaborates with trainers from professional sports teams including the Philadelphia 76ers, L.A. Clippers, Oklahoma City Thunder, and Arizona Diamondbacks.

Who's This For

Here are 10 Explosive Strength sessions for those that want to eleveate their own athletic and coaching potential using the DSP training methodology.




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